林俊杰 学不会

林俊杰 学不会 2011 last day album 🙂 2011-12-31 : 林俊杰 学不会 专辑曲目: 01.独奏 02.学不会 03.故事

品冠 未拆的礼物

品冠 未拆的礼物 2011 last few days have a few albums out. This is one of them 🙂 2011-12-30 : 品冠 未拆的礼物

容祖儿 谁来爱我

容祖儿 谁来爱我 Joey album that was first released back in 2000 and later re-released again in 2007. Nice 🙂 2000-09-

张善为 纯爱专辑 六个月后 那年夏天

张善为 纯爱专辑 六个月后 那年夏天 Do not think he is singing anymore as his last album is in 2006. So here̵

萧煌奇 思念会惊

Ricky Xiao Huang Chi’s latest album ! Nice cover ! 2011-12-27 : 萧煌奇 思念会惊 Track Listing 01.爱你的人 02.

苏有朋 玩真的

苏有朋 玩真的 Nowadays, Alec seldom sing but act a lot of Taiwan and China TV serials. He was part of the Little Tigers

许志安 我还能爱谁

Classic song ! 我还能爱谁 !! Andy Hui’s song is very good indeed. 2002-03 : 许志安 我还能爱谁 Track Listing

蔡旻佑 19 Another Version

蔡旻佑 19 Already have this album in my collection but this one is a different album cover. Perhaps different regions. Nice

任家萱 重作一个梦

任家萱 重作一个梦 Selina from S.H.E !! Back from a very bad accident that she suffered tremendously. And a beautiful t

萧亚轩 我爱我

First look at her latest album.萧亚轩 我爱我 Very dull colours but I am sure there are better covers soon and in fact, I

周俊伟 抢救爱情

周俊伟 album. 抢救爱情. Saving your love. I like the title track but the rest are okay to me.. 🙂 Track Listing 1.抢

泳儿 半公开的秘密

泳儿 半公开的秘密 Another album from her… 2011-12-23 : 泳儿 半公开的秘密 专辑曲目: 01.在路上 02